Damn shame. Coulda been a decent indie cover. Now, it’s just crap.
11 years ago
I don’t understand this. The original image seems to be in the right format for a book cover, but the designer went through extra trouble to make it a different format than its normal for a cover, distorting the image in the process. Why would anybody do that? I can understand when they distort an image to fit the book cover format, but the other way around?
Dear god. Is it worse when a decent cover is ruined than if it was never good to begin with?
I’m guessing this was originally in the correct ratio, and the author messed with it. At least, I HOPE that’s what happened.
Anyone else out there know another type of “blue flame”? 🙂
Wow! A cover with a torso AND a head attatched. On second thought, maybe the head should’ve been left out.
“Where’s the rest of me?” (Ronald Reagan in “King’s Row.”)
Damn shame. Coulda been a decent indie cover. Now, it’s just crap.
I don’t understand this. The original image seems to be in the right format for a book cover, but the designer went through extra trouble to make it a different format than its normal for a cover, distorting the image in the process. Why would anybody do that? I can understand when they distort an image to fit the book cover format, but the other way around?