I hope the naked woman appears in the book somehow, and it’s not just clickbait, but imagine you remove the floating gun and the compass, tweak the font – Hey! A cover!
Normally BTW is men that have to be threatened with a gun to ask for directions. And you already have a compass, so no need for threats, is there?
One can only hope. But that’s just what I thought: remove the thrown on crap, put the right font and you’d have one stunning cover. The only was it could have been better was for the model to hold the gun (actually hold, not Photoshop it) but that might be too cliche. But hey, it’s a thriller, so what better way to show it than with a gun, and since there’s a north in the title, the compass makes sense, right? And the only installed fonts were Times New Roman and Arial Rounded, and who doesn’t love the two most wide-spread fonts? *headdesks*
BTW, this book has a different cover on Smashwords, with an added plane! Yes, that’s what was missing on this cover, more random objects. And all of his other covers are equally crappy.
11 years ago
Why do people assume they can do a graphic designers job with none of the training? This LOOKS amateur.
Look, I know I say this like, every third comment, but there are sites out there where you can buy a pre-made cover for as little as $35. They’re never gonna be brilliant, only really acceptable, but they will be better than this. And sure, you won’t get all of the elements in there, but trust me. It’s a good thing.
Why not? Seems like a perfectly good idea to me. 😉
11 years ago
Jesus! What is wrong with me?! I thought that woman’s torso was a pair of severely crippled legs. I was thinking I was so clever to suggest retitling it Which Way To The Nearest Bone Doctor?
By the look of that compass, north is toward the nipple.
Crumpler? ::face-palm::
I really dig the silhouette, but everything else is just ugh.
I hope the naked woman appears in the book somehow, and it’s not just clickbait, but imagine you remove the floating gun and the compass, tweak the font – Hey! A cover!
Normally BTW is men that have to be threatened with a gun to ask for directions. And you already have a compass, so no need for threats, is there?
One can only hope. But that’s just what I thought: remove the thrown on crap, put the right font and you’d have one stunning cover. The only was it could have been better was for the model to hold the gun (actually hold, not Photoshop it) but that might be too cliche. But hey, it’s a thriller, so what better way to show it than with a gun, and since there’s a north in the title, the compass makes sense, right? And the only installed fonts were Times New Roman and Arial Rounded, and who doesn’t love the two most wide-spread fonts? *headdesks*
BTW, this book has a different cover on Smashwords, with an added plane! Yes, that’s what was missing on this cover, more random objects. And all of his other covers are equally crappy.
Why do people assume they can do a graphic designers job with none of the training? This LOOKS amateur.
Look, I know I say this like, every third comment, but there are sites out there where you can buy a pre-made cover for as little as $35. They’re never gonna be brilliant, only really acceptable, but they will be better than this. And sure, you won’t get all of the elements in there, but trust me. It’s a good thing.
a blank black background with nothing on it would look better than this.
Does anyone have contact info for the woman model? 🙂
I, uh, want to hire her for my book cover. Yeah, that’s it… for my book cover.
“Never ask directions of a naked woman.”
Why not? Seems like a perfectly good idea to me. 😉
Jesus! What is wrong with me?! I thought that woman’s torso was a pair of severely crippled legs. I was thinking I was so clever to suggest retitling it Which Way To The Nearest Bone Doctor?