Is he trying to grow another face on his left cheek? Or maybe he’s just a lump-headed fellow. (Wait…that’s the pic of a guy, right?)
Another case of the author having a Ph.D. and having to slap it on a fiction cover like it means something. There are all kinds of attorneys and doctors (medical and academic) turned best-selling authors (Grisham, Cussler, Crichton, to name a few) who never put one credential on their books. You’d think people could learn from that.
OK, cover is so awful I had to go look at the train wreck. Prose seems not awful, but the opening make it seem like it’s gonna turn into a slasher-horror novel. For that she needed a PhD? And flaunts the degree on a book with a cover like that? Check out the author bio blurb on Amazon. Uh-huh. Looks fake to me.
11 years ago
If it weren’t for the horrible horrible artwork, I’d think, from the title and the PHD after the author’s name, that this was an academic, historical treatise.
Nope. It’s almost as bad though. Humanities or English or something. She’s a college professor–according to her bio. After “looking inside” on Amazon, I have serious doubts. And if she were my child’s teacher at the college level and I read how she writes fiction, I’d demand a refund from the university. This one’s awful inside and out. DO judge this book by its cover.
11 years ago
I had to ask myself, “Is this supposed to be a man or a woman?” Then the big blob of ketchup on the flat chest suggest that it’s a man. (I guess) Why is he/she wearing a crown and what are those scratches on his/her face? SMH
Is he trying to grow another face on his left cheek? Or maybe he’s just a lump-headed fellow. (Wait…that’s the pic of a guy, right?)
Another case of the author having a Ph.D. and having to slap it on a fiction cover like it means something. There are all kinds of attorneys and doctors (medical and academic) turned best-selling authors (Grisham, Cussler, Crichton, to name a few) who never put one credential on their books. You’d think people could learn from that.
I thought it was a woman… Hard to tell with such, um, “art.”
His nose looks like a pig’s snout.
OK, cover is so awful I had to go look at the train wreck. Prose seems not awful, but the opening make it seem like it’s gonna turn into a slasher-horror novel. For that she needed a PhD? And flaunts the degree on a book with a cover like that? Check out the author bio blurb on Amazon. Uh-huh. Looks fake to me.
If it weren’t for the horrible horrible artwork, I’d think, from the title and the PHD after the author’s name, that this was an academic, historical treatise.
Hopefully not a PhD in art.
Nope. It’s almost as bad though. Humanities or English or something. She’s a college professor–according to her bio. After “looking inside” on Amazon, I have serious doubts. And if she were my child’s teacher at the college level and I read how she writes fiction, I’d demand a refund from the university. This one’s awful inside and out. DO judge this book by its cover.
I had to ask myself, “Is this supposed to be a man or a woman?” Then the big blob of ketchup on the flat chest suggest that it’s a man. (I guess) Why is he/she wearing a crown and what are those scratches on his/her face? SMH
It’s a woman wearing a traditional (1940s-50s) British nurse’s uniform.
So those lines on the chest are boobs.
I’ve read this book’s description and looked inside. Makes perfect sense to have a nurse on the cover. Not.
“Customers who viewed this item also viewed:
Blades of Warriors: The Legends of Two Brothers, Book 1: The Staff of Elimevis (The Staff of Elements)”
Hmm, I wonder who that could be.