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11 years ago

The 8-year-old who drew the cover probably doesn’t realize how racist this all is…

11 years ago

WTF? I mean, wow, in a reeeeeeeeally bad way. Judas Priest! This is the awful of awful. I think the makers of Sharpies are considering a total recall of all their product to prevent this sort of thing ever happening again. This is THAT bad.

john e. . .
11 years ago

I got spit on my monitor (just a little) when I saw Christha’s eyes.

This girl – she isn’t normal, is she?

And who spells Christha like that? Oh, yeah, an 8-year-old.

Take Cover
Take Cover
11 years ago

Published by Rose Dog Books. Mr Poindexter is getting badly exploited here.

Oh, what the heck. Those are the tiniest pyramids I’ve ever seen.

john e. . .
11 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

I never realized just how insignificant the Pyramids are. Hmmm

11 years ago

I am totally blown away here. How many books does the author think this cover will sell? I mean really????

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Just love how those eyes and mouths are drawn. Is the cover artist getting kickbacks from mascara and lipstick manufacturers?

11 years ago

ok who raided the third grade history reports again.

black mamba
black mamba
11 years ago

Looks good to me think of this as tv if you don’t like what you see turn the channel.

black mamba
black mamba
11 years ago

I don’t see how it is racist when the writers are black .I see nothing wrong with the cover and its a children’s book for children.