Snowmen in Paradise


Snowmen in Paradise

Snowman… dog… I think you see where this is going.

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10 years ago

That dog looks familiar. Wasn’t he on that other book cover with all the Christmas lights and snow? He must be following in Wolfie’s footsteps (or pawprints).

10 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

No, this one’s a Bernese Mountain Dog. I think that other one was a Retriever. Both great family dogs, btw.

There is nothing sensible or inviting about this cover (well, except that the dog’s cute). What’s the chairlift snapshot from her last vacation (no doubt) got to do with the pasted in dog and a cheesy cartoon snowman? And this is a mystery? No, sorry, doesn’t work for me on any level.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Snowman + Dog = Yellow Snowman