Jack Boot February 15, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Jack Boot It’s like an unholy concatenation of bad design choices. aspect ratio bad font choice bulletin board layout filteriffic Previous postRing Around Rosie Next postThe Ruler of the Tailthon: The Alliance of the Free
Why blur some and not the others? WHY BLUR ANY OF THEM??? We kinda know who they are…
Well, that’s what happens when you use ultra low-res JPEGs.
Or maybe the author’s afraid of getting sued by these well-known, DEAD, tyrants.
Or, just maybe, this is someone’s idea of “artistic expression and creativity.” 🙁
OMG, is that an old rubber 4-buckle boot in the background? Bwahaha! That’s very threatening and dastardly.
Why do I feel like I’ll be singing Springtime for Hitler all night?
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot splashing rainwater on a human face — forever.”
Showing me this cover would convince me to “sign zee papers” (if both of my hands weren’t broken — apologies to Cheech and Chong).
I couldn’t stop laughing at this and BTW it’s jackboot ,all one word.
Jack Galosh.
It’s such a jolly-looking cover! All those bright colours and the busy pattern. In a thumbnail it looks like a fun story for the kiddies.