The Ruler of the Tailthon: The Alliance of the Free February 15, 2014NathanCovers4 Comments The Ruler of the Tailthon: The Alliance of the Free I first thought that said “Failthon,” I swear… art for a refrigerator font boredom Previous postJack Boot Next postSleeping With a Wall Street Banker
Doesn’t it?
(Hands are hard to draw. I heard that somewhere…)
Well, it’s a fine *idea* for a cover.
And shouldn’t that be F/J/Tail-a-thon? If I try to say it as written I feel like I’m in danger of swallowing my own tongue.
Yeah, that hand seems wrong in many ways. I even counted the fingers. Seemed like too many.And what’s with the alien-lizard claw? Yikes!
Hey, lookit that, there’s an author’s name in the middle of all those scribbles. Bet that’s easy to read in a thumbnail.
It does say Failthon!