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8 years ago


James F. Brown
James F. Brown
8 years ago

OK, breast cancer sucks and all that. Yay for the Susan Komen cure and all that.

But this cover really creeps me out. 🙁

And isn’t “Unknown Celebrity” an oxymoron?

8 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

“Yay for the Susan Komen cure and all that.”

Not really; they keep most of the money they raise for themselves. Charity in general is great, but not that one.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

If I ever “honor” my late wife with a book cover like this, you have my permission — no, I demand it — that you dump my carcass living or dead into a wood chipper and spray me as fertilize over a catfish pond. What the haitch were they thinking?? This is outside the bucket, totally beyond the pail.

Covers should be run through a vetting process seeking honest opinions before being unleashed in the public. Jeeeeezzz.

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Trust me, I’ll keep your faith, bro. If something like that happened to me, and my husband decided to “honor” me with a CARTOON displaying my one-sided self…crap, I’d come back and haunt his ass. Hell, I’ll come back and haunt YOUR ass, too, Naaman, if you want. I’ll happily Fargo your ass.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

A full haunting with moaning voices and rattling chains? OK, but only if I do something really deserving.