Whispers & Traditions (Life at Witt’s End: On The Edge & Teetering In The Wild Wild West)


Whispers & Traditions (Life at Witt’s End: On The Edge & Teetering In The Wild Wild West)

I think I need a new tag for “what were you thinking?” layout.

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10 years ago

Nothing says Wild West like a candle and its reflection.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

“Better to light a candle than sit and curse the dark.”

Well, not always. Additional thoughts:

1) What’s with the brackets? — { }

2) Needs more black in the cover and smaller type for a great thumbnail.

10 years ago

At first I wondered what teetering on the edge of Witt’s End was, but decided that I did not want to know.

Artistic cover though, with those white letters on black.

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Re new tag: On the other hand, I’m not sure I actually want to know what they were thinking. As Bleeding Gums Murphy once said, “I already have enough pain in my life.”