Did he make a real cover, then take an out-of-focus picture of it? Did he start with an out-of-focus image, then altered the text to match it? Or did he start with an in-focus image, then deliberately made it look unfocused under the delusion that it ‘looked cool’?
I would guess that this is a case of the author choosing an image that perfectly illustrates a particular scene in the book, forgetting that people rarely read the book *before* they see the cover.
My hypothesis is this is a low-res vidcap from some Japanese show and the author/whoever is responsible for the cover was trying to blow it up and crop it to get rid of the TV channel logo. (I also think that’s a man in the blond wig.)
I agree, except on the gender of the blonde wig person. The arms and legs aren’t very masculine, even for a teen. And the clothing style (long sleeve shirt with short shorts) isn’t something I’ve seen on anyone but girls.
10 years ago
Oh, and I’m pretty sure the title is *ity lof ghosts*.
Did he make a real cover, then take an out-of-focus picture of it? Did he start with an out-of-focus image, then altered the text to match it? Or did he start with an in-focus image, then deliberately made it look unfocused under the delusion that it ‘looked cool’?
I would guess that this is a case of the author choosing an image that perfectly illustrates a particular scene in the book, forgetting that people rarely read the book *before* they see the cover.
My hypothesis is this is a low-res vidcap from some Japanese show and the author/whoever is responsible for the cover was trying to blow it up and crop it to get rid of the TV channel logo. (I also think that’s a man in the blond wig.)
I agree, except on the gender of the blonde wig person. The arms and legs aren’t very masculine, even for a teen. And the clothing style (long sleeve shirt with short shorts) isn’t something I’ve seen on anyone but girls.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure the title is *ity lof ghosts*.
It’s only half “s”… (Say it out loud. *snort*)
Several of the author’s other covers on Smashwords are soft focus too with fuzzy lettering. It appears to be a deliberate effect.
Ghost of a book cover.
ity of Ghosts?
OK, whatever…
Hey, at least it’s uniformly blurry haha.