Making the color of text match background colors is never a good choice if you want your text to be read. Bottom shadow here in inadequate and loses the “h:” out of the title and obscures the “U”.
The arch is the most outstanding feature of this art and should not be obscured by text. This is as bad as covers that paste the title across the face of good looking model.
Truthfully, I thought it said “Utar.”
I thought it said Wah!
Nice vacation photo!
Making the color of text match background colors is never a good choice if you want your text to be read. Bottom shadow here in inadequate and loses the “h:” out of the title and obscures the “U”.
The arch is the most outstanding feature of this art and should not be obscured by text. This is as bad as covers that paste the title across the face of good looking model.
That is “Utah!” not “Utah:”? How am I supposed to know?
A funnier line would have been “You had at Utah.”
Yeah, why bother with an appropriate image when you can just write what it is on the cover.