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Nicola Cuti
8 years ago

Not a bad cover,however, a very poor choice of where the title should be. Most people would rather see the complexity of the city instead of the rather dramatic but commonplace billowing of the clouds. There is where your title should be, against the clouds, not over the city.

8 years ago

No wonder the city is full of secrets- with that boxy, white fog concealing most of it. I’m sure glad that I have a clear view of that sliver of dark water at the bottom… or is that a darkened field or a blacked-out junkyard or …

Oh, and the author’s claim to “national bestseller” came from topping an Amazon e-book list for LARGE PRINT poetry and short stories. Topping an obscure sub-sub category is not the same as topping all of poetry or all of short stories, but why quibble over details? (sigh)

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

If the author is so damn famous, why not put his name in GIGANTIC print, in a wildly contrasting font/color, at the top, eh? Oh, yeah, right–not that famous.

Yes, this is a CRIME. That image is fabulous. All they had to do was gradient the cloud upwards, and put all the damn text in the top 25-33% of the image. I mean…jesus, how the HELL could they get it THAT DAMN WRONG?

And, {GONG, GONG, GONG} what the FRACK where they thinking, with that ghastly font? On that ridiculous smokey box?

I swear, Nathan, I swear that you sit at home at night and make these up, just to torture us. Some of these are simply impossible to believe, the mistakes are SO freaking obvious!!


Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I agree it is an interesting night cityscape receiving a lightning bolt under dark clouds. How could the cover maker obscure the most interesting part with text? How often do we see covers with titles, tags or bylines over models’ faces when there’s relatively empty spaces on the covers more suitable for text? THEY have discovered that LBC provides free publicity and are doing it deliberately to appear here! It’s the only rational explanation.