That, and a crooked cable not connected to anything. Oh, and a t-shirt laid on the floor and photographed. And super-short arms. Oh, lordy. The more I look, the worse it gets!
Paths can run? Hmmm. Learn something every day, I guess. Pity T.J. Bleakley can’t art.
Oh, and nice loafers. ::rolls eyes::
11 years ago
Hey, its the flat-screen anamorphic version of Wolfie of Wall St. tap dancing on a high-voltage wire floating on a cobalt-polluted snake-infested river while trying to avoid being eaten by sharks and … uh … never mind.
11 years ago
White path?? Looks more like an anorexic SIM character on an oversize clothesline.
And just how does a path run?
11 years ago
The Book is titled The Running White. Replace the “W” with an “S” and that pretty much sums up this cover.
The Running Hite is all that I see…
That, and a crooked cable not connected to anything. Oh, and a t-shirt laid on the floor and photographed. And super-short arms. Oh, lordy. The more I look, the worse it gets!
Don’t look to closely at that (tiny) head, either. It gets even worse than the arms and t-shirt.
Also, the text fades into the background in several places. Way to go.
Paths can run? Hmmm. Learn something every day, I guess. Pity T.J. Bleakley can’t art.
Oh, and nice loafers. ::rolls eyes::
Hey, its the flat-screen anamorphic version of Wolfie of Wall St. tap dancing on a high-voltage wire floating on a cobalt-polluted snake-infested river while trying to avoid being eaten by sharks and … uh … never mind.
White path?? Looks more like an anorexic SIM character on an oversize clothesline.
And just how does a path run?
The Book is titled The Running White. Replace the “W” with an “S” and that pretty much sums up this cover.
Well played.