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11 years ago

It looks like the cover of a Thai restaurant menu.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jen


Marc Meyer
Marc Meyer
10 years ago

Right you are Nathan, when this publisher went out of business I put up a decent cover, hope it’s more to your liking but if not I really don’t give a shit:


10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Agreed, Nathan, the new one is better. It will possibly lead to brisker sales (with a little marketing effort) and if the writing’s up to it.

@Marc – I hope you’re not this sensitive about all your reviews. Writers need thick skins. However, methinks since you were so vehement about not giving a shit, you really do give a very big galloping one and would be seething even more if Nathan said cover #2 also sucked foul wind. I guess you can rest your ponies and get off Lousy Book Cover’s back then, huh?

Book covers that find their way here clearly have issues–sincere, don’t-buy-me-ever issues. Sure there’s a degree of snark and sass in posted comments but very often there are also nuggets of suggestions and help. If a cover gets slammed here, it should be a wake-up call to the author not a reason for ripping Nathan a new one. Publishing’s a tough world and everyone has an opinion. One just has to deal.

Marc Meyer
Marc Meyer
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

Sirona, some of what you have to say is fair enough, my last cover was lousy. I’m not sure as a new author that a damaging criticism of my book cover is something I should necessarily have to deal with at this point though.
That being said my former publisher to whom this cover belongs, ( XOXO Publishing ) went out of business in February of this year and I would urge you could remove the cover from your site as it is now a copyright infringement to use it. What ticked me off was that when I googled my book this came up on the site list. I considered it an effort to damage my reputation before it even got started and I still do. Please remove this now as you are in violation of it’s copyright. Just looking out for ya,( as if I would ever use it again anyway ) Thanks for the heads up on the other stuff, I know you probably mean well but I also think you’re hurting authors whose books you haven’t even bothered to read-remember the old adage never judge a book by it’s cover? I think that applies here regards-Marc

Marc Meyer
Marc Meyer
10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Perhaps I didn’t use the right words and we’re not understanding each other.I’m telling you that you are in violation of copyright! I was told I wouldn’t be able to use the cover myself. Just looking out for you as you didn’t for me. If I were you I’d make damn sure I was allowed to use it. You have some giant brass balls to make the assertions you have. You are hurting writers whether you’re too stupid to be aware that or not I can’t for the life of me figure out. I’ll pass on your site thanks, I’ve had just about enough of you guys and I’m letting my former publisher know what you’re up to- for YOUR edification!

Marc Meyer
Marc Meyer
10 years ago

I’ve let my former publisher know that you are using this cover without their permission.-m

10 years ago

I suppose it does take a long time for something to stew in its own juices, but if you have been simmering on the back burner for this long then there is no way you should be served at that Thai food restaurant now.

You’d be all chewy and wilted. I’d really expect more from a place with such a nice menu.

10 years ago

> “when this publisher went out of business I put up a decent cover”

> “my former publisher to whom this cover belongs, ( XOXO Publishing ) went out of business”

I think I’m going to file those under “Things that make one go hmmmm…”

(The new cover is much better, btw.)