Thanks for explaining Flash Fiction. Like you mentioned I can’t really imagine any fiction about gardening. (Dead flower arrangements no less.). I (as I’m sure you’ve gathered) am not a writer but still adore this web site. It makes me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. Where this book is concerned, wouldn’t it be funny if Flash Fiction referred to Ming the Merciless zapping people’s gardens to smithereens and Flash Gordon has to save them? That could be right up my alley.
11 years ago
Anyone notice the misplaced colon in the subtitle? I guess if you are writing fast & furious, there’s no worrying about punctuation…
What the Hell is Flash Fiction?! For The Soul no less?
Flash fiction is very short stories–often 1000 words or less (although they can be a bit longer, say 1500).
From my experience with flash fiction (including winning three awards), I can’t imagine how one writes flash about gardening.
Thanks for explaining Flash Fiction. Like you mentioned I can’t really imagine any fiction about gardening. (Dead flower arrangements no less.). I (as I’m sure you’ve gathered) am not a writer but still adore this web site. It makes me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. Where this book is concerned, wouldn’t it be funny if Flash Fiction referred to Ming the Merciless zapping people’s gardens to smithereens and Flash Gordon has to save them? That could be right up my alley.
Anyone notice the misplaced colon in the subtitle? I guess if you are writing fast & furious, there’s no worrying about punctuation…