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8 years ago

Ugh, that font again! Make it stop!

Nicola Cuti
Nicola Cuti
8 years ago

The most frightening thing on the cover is the guy in the black ski mask with the gun and silencer but you have him small and blurry while the two woman are large and clear. Maybe you should have gone the other way? Ya think?

8 years ago

Well, hello there, Jaime Pressly!

Incidentally, I think the book’s description indicated the gal in front is supposed to be about sixteen, and I know the swimsuit model Jaime Pressly portraying her was over eighteen when the picture was taken, but am I the only one here who thinks between the posterizing filter and the particular angle from which the picture’s taken, she looks more like a twelve-year-old? I mean, with her arm in front, she looks like she’s wearing a “training” bra!

Believe me, this isn’t even the worst Tanya Allan cover, though it might just be the creepiest one sexually speaking, the way it has the underage-looking girl crawling like a dog there.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  RK

By the time Alex finds that lost contact in the sand it’ll probably be ruined.

8 years ago

“Tanya Allan is a prolific writer of various works, including novels, short stories and poetry. Some of her work, relating to transgender issues, may be familiar to those who feel that perhaps life would have been easier had they been born with a body and mind of the same gender. Her other – non-TG work has also been published, but under a different name.”

Exhibit A: All of these covers, even the one called “Every Little Girl’s Dream” (yikes!) are super sexualized.

Exhibit B: Tanya Allan’s author blurb doesn’t actually say that she is trans. Which, if you want to be stealth, then cool, but most trans people are going to be less comfortable buying transgender fiction from someone they don’t know is trans. In fact…

Exhibit C: Her blurb actually uses the phrase “TG”, which is usually only used by people with trans *fetishes*.

Conclusion: Tanya Allan is cis and a chaser and needs to freaking quit.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  AJ

Indie press self-pub outlets are clogged with repetitive, predictable transvestic fetish/petticoat discipline erotica cloned because they seem to sell. These stories would not be helpful to someone honestly struggling with personal gender identity issues, especially a teen. Hopefully their lousy covers will scare away the vulnerable.

8 years ago

I dunno. Looks sensible to me. The poor, wet, and sickly teen in the bikini dreams of being DRESSED. She’s so desperate for clothes that she’s daydreaming about holding up a clothing store. At gunpoint. Naturally.

Sheesh, don’t you guys have any imagination? How could you not tell that’s precisely the story line? I need to hang out someplace with smarter snarkers.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

So that’s her fantasy self to the right, wearing clothing and carrying a bag obviously filled with clothes. Its all clear to me now. Thanks! And here I thought the person with the gun was planning to kidnap the happy shorts-and-bullet-proof-vest attired girl and take her clothes away. Your version is much more interesting.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

To prep for the robbery, Alex would have to acquire the balaclava and black outfit (Âżninja? Âżcat burglar?), at which point he’d be clothed, so there’d be no point for the robbery. (This being a Tanya Allan tale, Alex is a he.) And for the black market price of a modern pistol with commercial silencer, most people could buy a whole seasonal wardrobe.

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

There is so much choice here… Alex is a poor little rich girl bored with shopping, and dreams of becoming a bank robber who subjugates naked girls on the beach – or the bank robber Alex dreams of being a female, but women are known to him only from magazines: he reads mostly Teen Vogue. Or: Alex, a girlish teenager, dreams of finding her contact lens on the beach, and of violent revenge on the stupid woman who bumped into her with her stupid bag and made her lose it…

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

@ Hitch

” I need to hang out someplace with smarter snarkers.”

LOL. Good luck with your quest! LBC is Snark Central on the Internet. 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Oh, yeah, but there’s also ClientsFromHell.net, Cakewrecks (world class snark with a coating of sugar), and others. When you’re a connoisseur of snark, the Internet is your Oyster. 🙂

…or maybe, that was, “..the Internet is where you flex your mussel.”

Something like that.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

The cover artist should be applauded for the use of a rectangularly-shaped purple blob of lumpy goo as the element that glues the entire composition, thus the story line, together.

It is also impressive how the contrasting, saturated orange of the unfortunate wretch of a font is subtly echoed on the image of the bikini model, who also appears, it would seem, to be retching with enthusiasm.

One seems to be turning a little green, myself.