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8 years ago

The knight must be really glad now he bought that fireproof asbestos suit.

Don’t know what to think about the art. It’s childish, yes, but the story sounds childish too. I do know that I hate the font and the green stripe.

And WTH is an original fairy tale? Aren’t fairy tales supposed to be folk tales in origin? Just call it fantasy, FFS.

Nicola Cuti
8 years ago

Making the unbelievable, believable is very difficult for an artist, however, it appears this artist didn’t even try.

8 years ago

Looks like they plagarized Todd Lockwood’s gold dragon for AD&D – http://cdn3-3.kaneva.net/filestore0/149411/151621/tod_loc_005-CW06-149%20-%20red%20dragon%20-%20lockwood.jpg

8 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

Referencing? Imagine how much worse it would’ve looked if they didn’t use a reference. Even if they did blatantly plagiarise it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

Brass dragon. It’s from the 3.5 Monster Manual. It’s bad news when I can instantly place the source of your plagiarized image without looking it up.

8 years ago

With all that’s wrong here, it’s the flying blades of giant clover that bewilders me the most. Does the dragon spew clover out of its butt at the same time as fire spews from its mouth?

8 years ago

Apparently that whole center justification thing is difficult.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
8 years ago

So, is Clovers the name of the knight or the dragon. Or both, since “Clovers” is plural.

Clover, meet Clover. Y’all have a nice, hot time, now.

8 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

There are some sort of giant clovers or shamrocks floating in the air behind or above the dragon. Maybe they are magic firefighting clover?

8 years ago

“Eeeeh, I can’t stand this cooo-ooover,
But I think it needs do-oooover,
Fire and Clover,

Ah you know it’s over,
Now we’re waitin’ to show ya,
Dragon and clo-oo-oh-ver, over and over

Yeah, my, such a yuck thing
I wanna nuke everything
What a deep sinking feeling
Clip art and…Clover,
over and over”

Thank you. Thank you verra much.

john e. . .
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

We need a karaoke night here at LBC!

We’ll do a Google Hangout and meet each other and get wasted and be mean.

8 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

Which would be different than what we’re doing now…how, exactly?
