Where to begin?
1. Stop with the Zapf Chancery already. Always hated that damned font.
2. The picture was cute and drew my attention, set my nostalgia going, until I got to those balloons. Lordy.
3. The yellow type is all wrong for the pic.
4. See #1 again. That really bugs me.
11 years ago
The Law Of Attraction? Two little girls with inflatable intestines? (The girl on the left could be holding a giant something else if you know what I mean.). Altogether this cover is so wrong that further comment isn’t necessary.
The Rodent
11 years ago
The amazing Amazon preview contains the title page, dedication, and table of contents!
11 years ago
Actually, there’s a place in France where they sell intestine shaped baguettes.
(It’s the latest thing.)
James F. Brown
11 years ago
Looky at dat! These girls got inflatable toy maggots for their birthdays!
Law of attraction: rub these balloons on a carpet…
Before I rolled further down and saw your comment, I did take a moment to wonder if they were holding large intestines.
Where to begin?
1. Stop with the Zapf Chancery already. Always hated that damned font.
2. The picture was cute and drew my attention, set my nostalgia going, until I got to those balloons. Lordy.
3. The yellow type is all wrong for the pic.
4. See #1 again. That really bugs me.
The Law Of Attraction? Two little girls with inflatable intestines? (The girl on the left could be holding a giant something else if you know what I mean.). Altogether this cover is so wrong that further comment isn’t necessary.
The amazing Amazon preview contains the title page, dedication, and table of contents!
Actually, there’s a place in France where they sell intestine shaped baguettes.
(It’s the latest thing.)
Looky at dat! These girls got inflatable toy maggots for their birthdays!
So if the girls used the “Law of Attraction” to get those intestines, imagine what they must have been thinking about.
First thing I thought of; colons? Looks like I’m not the only one. *twitch* WHY am I looking at this stuff this early in my day? LOL