Oh, and that’s LIGHT he’s cowering from… In case anyone missed that little misconnect.
11 years ago
All I can say is this cover is incredibly obnoxious.
Who ARE these people?! Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what these authors look like and how they live? Wait a minute, I take that back. I’m actually a little frightened to know.
When I finally make it passed all the wordie-shite, I finally see it! It’s JAZZ HANDS!
And really – Comic Sans? I was driving down the road just the other day with my daughters and out of nowhere my lovely 16 year old mutters, “Christ! Comic Sans?!”
I finally figure out she is talking about a billboard we just drove by. And no – I did not berate her for her language. Sometimes the truth requires “adult” words.
So much meaningless text, the photo is worthless. And what’s with the second title not centered?
Oh, and that’s LIGHT he’s cowering from… In case anyone missed that little misconnect.
All I can say is this cover is incredibly obnoxious.
Who ARE these people?! Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what these authors look like and how they live? Wait a minute, I take that back. I’m actually a little frightened to know.
When I finally make it passed all the wordie-shite, I finally see it! It’s JAZZ HANDS!
And really – Comic Sans? I was driving down the road just the other day with my daughters and out of nowhere my lovely 16 year old mutters, “Christ! Comic Sans?!”
I finally figure out she is talking about a billboard we just drove by. And no – I did not berate her for her language. Sometimes the truth requires “adult” words.
So. Much. “Punctuation.”
He managed to get “best selling” on their twice. Still doesn’t make so.
Needs more self-serving front cover blurbs about the author’s other titles.
Suggestion for another book by this author: “Obnoxious Book Marketing Basics.”
An image that might have been serviceable spoilt by a deluge of text.
Tip for Amazon Best-Selling Authors: Amazon has a pretty good search engine.