Our Only Hope


Our Only Hope

We’re so screwed.

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8 years ago

Is that… her hair? She needs to use less hair gel, her hair has solidified. Her wings look like they’re attached to her front side, even though her hands are obviously in front of them. She’s a mess. But the kicker is that the floating pale dude HAS NO FEET.

8 years ago

I’ve heard about pear-shaped bodies, but hers is over the top. Probably because her waist is gone and her shoulders seem to be non-existent.

This is testament to the evils of hair extensions.

Finally, are those wings on backwards?

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Shit, I knew there was something that made me think they’re attached to her front side. They’re freaking backwards.

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Oh, and the wings seem to be attached to her cheek bones or the nape of her neck. Certainly not to the center of her back.

Either that or the wings aren’t hers and this is a story about French-kissing a seagull…

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Plus her torso is strangely elongated.

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Yes, they are most definitely backwards. What a dope.

8 years ago

Jawbone. The wings are attached at about her jawbone. It’s whacky.

in re: the pear shape. Not really. She’d be perfectly normal, albeit all-too-human, if her neck hadn’t been absurdly elongated, hidden behind the mass of hair (faux) and the wings stuck on a foot higher than they ought to be.

This chick is SO not saving us.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

Long straight hair made me think American Indian and the desert background made me read Hope as Hopi. Angel in skinny jeans with a muffin top at her waist. Her wings appear to be sprouting out of her neck rather than her shoulders. I wonder what Earl would think?

Guesstimating distance from her hands to elbow and imagining upper arms in proportion, maybe her arms are sprouting out of out of opposite sides of her neck and she doesn’t have any shoulders. The guy is in the dark background but he’s much lighter than the surroundings, or her for that matter. She’s illuminated from above but hey she’s an angel right? But there’s no earthly reason apparent to me that he should be illuminated from the front. The 1990s graphic workshop software I still play with time to time includes tweaks for intensity and RGB levels to match up clips.

“Oh what a mangled cover we weave, when first we practise to cut’n’paste!” – apologies to Sir Walter Scott.

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I’ve been staring at this one. I think I know what happened. Somehow, the cover creator came across this image. When s/he tried to add the wings, s/he realized that they’d obscure the outstretched HANDS. (As in, either the orignal image had wings, but no hands, or the other way around.) In order to have both (as designers of dragons have long since realized), s/he had to add vertical space, so that the hands could appear below the wings, and not disappear. If you look at the line of the arms, her shoulders would appear just a skosh below the top of the title lettering.

Therefore, the cover creator simply stretched the girl. Particularly from the chest up, although how that quite occurred, I’m trying not to think. Perhaps the girl was chopped in two, and the hair added, to hide the magic-box-that-didn’t-work-trick.

And thus we have a long-haired, winged, armed angel with the upper torso/neck of a 7’6″ basketball center on her 5’3″ frame. And hair down to the nether-nether. So to speak.

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

The guy is glowing, obviously.

Jason Black
8 years ago

And, on top of all that, the author (because, duh, clearly no actual designer did this) has absolutely no idea how big a saguaro cactus actually is. Judging by the cacti, those people are easily in excess of 15 feet tall.