Comanche Embrace: Historical Comanche Romance (Comanche Trio Book 3)
How to make a book cover:
Step 1: Find a random photograph.
StepĀ 2: There is no Step 2.
Comanche Embrace: Historical Comanche Romance (Comanche Trio Book 3)
How to make a book cover:
Step 1: Find a random photograph.
StepĀ 2: There is no Step 2.
Wait, where are the letters and stuff? O_O
No title, no author. At least it avoids the bad font issue.
And what kind of plant is that, anyway? Isn’t it an invasive species of some kind?
It’s a Comanche plant?
I wonder if branding is consistent for the entire series? *off to check*
That’s odd. There are no other Comanche Trio books on Amazon. Just Book 3 here. And yes, other covers from this author have texts on them. No, she has no idea what branding is.
That, my dear Lydia, is a poor photo of the beauty that is the famous state flower of Texs, the Bluebonnet, possibly even the Texas Bluebonnet.
The cover is supposed to tell the reader something about what’s inside,so, if the subject matter interests the reader they will pick it up. This author it appears, is so full of him or herself they think people will just pick it up because they are so clever to create an obscure cover. An obscure cover, by an obscure author destined for deserved obscurity.
I search this cover for clues and I am reminded of the pollen allergies that have manifested as I age … this cover does not sell me on this author or title.
To be charitable, fans or family may have demanded a reissue of this book and the author has no intents of selling it to anyone not already in the know.
Author and title? Where?
I couldn’t find a clue either.
I kept scrolling down expecting Comanches.
No Comanches.
Cover, you are disappoint.
What awesome camouflage! At first look you don’t even see the Comanche couple hugging, let alone the title or author’s name. Everything is hidden so well.
I hear that Books 1 and 2 are even better, hidden so well that you can’t even find them on a standard search of Amazon.
Yup, great job. Keep it up, author. Very few can capture Native Americans blending completely with their environment. Not only did you capture it, you showed it in such a romantic and historic way.
What a cute puppy dog, with that nose of blurry bluebonnets and that cute bluebonnety brow.
Just makes me want to go arf!
“As you can see, our young Comanche brave Sky Walker has mastered the first art of not being seen: don’t stand up.”
Ok, I will concede. Bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas, one of the homes of the Comanche nation. That makes this cover one of the most historically authentic of all the American Indian or Old West themed covers thus far.
Well… I can understand the author thinking “this is an ebook. They will see my title and name in the listing; I don’t need to say it again.”
But that doesn’t change the fact that this is almost as hilariously bad as the sugar-skull-on-a-paper-towel one.