Riders January 9, 2014NathanCovers10 Comments Riders Note: No riders. (h/t L.) bad font choice Nagilum random imagery WTF Previous postHenry Potty and the Pet Rock Next postAlani’s Bigger Hustle
OK, I saw the horses and when I scrolled down and saw the eyes…
I mean really? Plus the horses look wild and have no riders.
Book 1? Thanks for the teeny-tiny warning…
The eyes are creepy.
And great kerning on the text, too. Especially the author’s name.
Why is the last letter in “Riders” capitalized?
And the last letter in the author’s name. Jess Jard inE must be the last person on Earth to like those “bookend” company logos.
R.I.D.E.R.S.: The Cyber-controllers behind the Horse Cavalry’s Unmanned Amphibious Equine Assault Vehicle N.S.B. (Non-Stealth Battalion)
The horses are CLEARLY riding the cartoon eyes.
The RIDERS are invisible. Only the floating eyes can see them.
Maybe a wiley editor changed the original text from R-eye-ders
Now you’re just screwing with us, aren’t you NathaN?
You’re making these uP. You gotta bE.
That’s why I provide the link — as proof of their reality.