Otherworld: Luckbane January 7, 2014NathanCovers5 Comments Otherworld: Luckbane Magic Markers aren’t really magic, you know. art for a refrigerator Previous postStone Cold Heart Next postThe Stable House
I know ‘art for a refrigerator’ is already a tag, but I’m beginning to think ‘art for inside a locker’ could also be appropriate.
How about ‘art for inside a trash can?’ Also, how is that dragon biting it’s own neck? Just wonderin’.
Yay! Smaug gets his own cover. But some folks might think this is a ripoff knockoff of The Hobbit.
Oh, and is that the Arkenstone there, too?
While I’ll agree that the cover was created in the wrong medium, I honestly believe that whoever made the cover has talent.