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11 years ago

Honorable mention, huh? Have the people at the Hollywood Book Festival seen this cover? Or was it the only entry besides the one that won?

11 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

ROFL! BTW, has any one noticed that big black blob on the cover looks like a profile of a long, LONG necked laughing llama? (Could it be he’s laughing at this cover like the rest of us?)

11 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

For $75 you too can have an “honorable mention”.

11 years ago
Reply to  DED

I wonder which part of the budget that $75 came from?

Also, both flags have distorted aspect ratios, and in real life the two flags have different reds (neither of which is on this cover).

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

IMHO, most book contests are ripoff scams preying on clueless noob wannabe authors. Whenever I see a book contest “gold seal” on a cover, I automatically assume the book is by an amateur.

How many successful authors enter contests? Not many, perhaps (statistically)none.

11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown


Over at the review blog, we used to get plenty of self-pubbed books with proclamations that they were contest winners. We would always be skeptical of these proclamations, especially after checking out the contests websites, and once we read a chapter our doubts would be vindicated.

11 years ago

Read the synopsis. Yeah, China just marching it and taking over Central Asia will make China a super power. It’s that easy. It won’t be anything like the Soviet and American (and British) experiences in Afghanistan. The only reason I can think of the US ever supporting such a move would be to ruin China with hopeless, giant guerrilla war. The Uighurs aren’t enough, they want more restless and resentful minorities to rule over.