Between Fortune and Fate – Jack Wellington UN Attaché August 5, 2016NathanCovers14 Comments Between Fortune and Fate – Jack Wellington UN Attaché Are there still covers that can make me cry? Yes. Yes, there are. bad font choice bulletin board layout layout woes MS Paint reborn! pixelation Previous postDeathbed of Roses Next postHarambe’s Last Stand
Nathan, I’ve never noticed before that you don’t have a clipart tag. You could really use one.
So, is Jack Wellington a United Nations Attache, or an unattache? As in was once an attache but has been unattached?
I’m more curious what that apostrophe means. Or is that supposed to be ‘attaché’?
It takes a little effort to find an é character, so e’ is easy and good enough for a lousy book cover.
I assume the basic spellchecking of the content inside also took too much effort.
That’s Jean Gray in the silhouette, making the needles float.
What is that thing over the needle? An oar? A broom? Superglue?
I think it’s an icepick, or maybe a screwdriver. In any case, obviously used for MURDER.
Actually I think it’s supposed to be a dart, like those you use in an airgun but it could be a broom.
Wow, you know it’s really bad when it can either be a dart or a broom, LMFAO. Those two things are so similar.
Might be a turkey baster.
I think it is a pirate’s wooden leg. Very small, very far, or the syringe is enormous?
Whoa, that is one super-steep slope they’re kissing at the top of!