The non-Euclidean nature of the space these five men are standing in is bringing back the seasickness from my fishing trip last week.
Paul Jonas
8 years ago
Lol I’m actually following William on Twitter and believe it or not, that is in fact the author on the cover falling through non-Ecludian space – I kid you not.
Shrooms again?
I like how the “TOP SECRET” stamp has an exclamation point so you know they mean business.
I thought the spy was extra-sensory, not sensory overload.
Is that Richard Attenborough in the Jurassic Years floor-surfing across the bottom of the cover?
So, did they steal “TOP SECRET!” from the movie’s DVD box?
The non-Euclidean nature of the space these five men are standing in is bringing back the seasickness from my fishing trip last week.
Lol I’m actually following William on Twitter and believe it or not, that is in fact the author on the cover falling through non-Ecludian space – I kid you not.