Captive Indigo Eyes July 28, 2016NathanCovers7 Comments Captive Indigo Eyes Farsighted much? filteriffic typo Previous postSavage Flame Next postShades of Greys
If this is an example of the author’s word-choice skills, not only would I not read her book, but I might have to shoot her.
How many fingers does she have on each hand? Blurred like that, it seems like she has Medusa-hands.
I can’t tell which hands are whose. The poses don’t make sense. Or the unnecessary filter messes it up.
Are her hands tied at the wrist?
Her HANDS are bloody TIED in that nice, nuzzling image. FFS.
Oh, yes. ‘A perfect match’ obviously means ‘prim, spoiled and uppity’ is getting what she deserves by being kidnapped and, well. No need to go into details. Nothing like a sexual assault to teach a woman some humility, right?
She probably asked for it. Enjoyed it too.