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8 years ago

Is it me, or does her hand look pasted on?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago

Whatever the cosplay elf-lady is pointing and laughing at, she’s doing it in the wrong direction.

8 years ago


8 years ago

I love it when the Thrillworld Space Carnival with the space tilt-a-whirl is in the system. At least until the gravitational forces of Thrillworld moving through the system pulls our planet out of orbit.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

Trademarking a title phrase promises a whole series in this franchise. Like Star Trek or Star Wars, I see Starflake books, comics, action figures, the sky’s the limit!

john e. . .
8 years ago

I love the photobombing green alien. It looks like he’s waving, “Hi Mom!” to the camera.

Nicola Cuti
Nicola Cuti
8 years ago

Dear Critics, Thanks for your comments. I love them and will take them to heart. This is not my favorite cover but I thought it did the job. My favorite is “Starflake rides with the Galactic Bikers” which will be out later this year. Please let me know what you think. By the way, Catie, who asked if her hand was pasted on, allow me to assure you it wasn’t. Starflake’s hand, arm and body are all one unit. Is it proper to critisize a critic?

8 years ago
Reply to  Nicola Cuti

Thanks for clearing it up. I didn’t see the usual cut marks, but it still looked kinda long. I guess it could be a camera lens distortion.