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8 years ago

This is interesting. It has a pop-art vibe, even if it’s caused by bad Photoshop effect and the dotty background. It’s a bad cover, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about it… I don’t know what.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

It’s the face of the character. It’s pretty good. It shows some promise, some talent.

The rest of the cut-n-paste job, though, and the dotty effect…not helping it.

BTW, gang: somebody tell me that’s NOT a hawk and a wolf creature? Torn apart by a curse? One is a hawk by day, the other a wolf by night? C’mon, say it ain’t so, Ladyhawkers!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Hahaha. And a pretty blonde woman! It must be!

I had to go check the blurb. It’s pretty much like the cover–not quite right, but there’s something about it…

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

The composition is good. It keeps your eye moving and on the cover, has a focal point in the woman that doesn’t overwhelm the other elements, and uses very interesting poses and point of view. Not the greatest execution in the illustration. Like you said, badly photoshopped and the background doesn’t relate to the other images. Plus, I don’t like the font and the text is too scrunched up at the top. Maybe move the title below to overlay part of the wolf, and make it a bit bigger. And please, get rid of the “by”. Also I’m not sure of the genre. A shapeshifting thing?

8 years ago
Reply to  Lydia

It is a shapeshifting thing, according to the blurb. So I guess that’s a yay?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago

You know those things in fairgrounds, where they have a comedy picture with a hole where the face is supposed to be so you can put your own face through and become the person in the picture with ‘hilarious’ results? That’s what this makes me think of. Except not hilarious in the same way, perhaps.

8 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

Reminds me of those face cut-out things, too.