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11 years ago

Purple writing on a black background? Smart. Real Smart.

11 years ago

“By” … another amatuer move.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Don’t these people ever test out their covers for readabily, or whatever? Jeezus!

11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

These people clearly do not. Nor do they wander through bookstores to see what real books look like.

11 years ago

Maybe the title shows up under black light.

Susan Sullivan
Susan Sullivan
11 years ago

That was actually the whole point! I obviously got my message across. It is meant to be illusive and hard to read. They only come out at night and are rarely seen in broad daylight. Thank you for your comments. I also thought it was better than the cartoon drawings on many of the Bigfoot books. My elderly mother was also upset because she couldn’t read it either. However, when my younger readers see the cover it provokes a response equal to the one I had when I had my first sighting. Sorry you were disappointed. I hope you read the book!