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8 years ago

Let’s play a game. Who can find the author’s name?

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

I do, but for the life of me–what the HELL is that last name? Is that “laster,” or, “last es” or “laste ?” or…???? UNfreakingbelievable.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

The good thing, nobody will even care.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I zoomed in on mobile. It looks like laster, or la ster. (The a and s are spaced out more than the rest of it.)

8 years ago
Reply to  Adrienne

Papyrus is notorious for bad kerning. But that doesn’t stop every idiot and his brother from putting it on a book cover.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Sheesh, if bad kerning was Papyrus’ only sin, that would go a long way toward mitigating its use. After all, regular folks don’t see kerning and unkerned fonts like layout people. No…Papyrus’ big sin is much, much bigger. And his name is James Cameron.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yes, but bad kerning certainly doesn’t help. Papyrus is not like Trajan, whose only sin is that it looks too good on a movie poster, but we can’t really hold that against it because it’s such a well made font.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

True. I fear for poor Trajan, which will become the next Bleeding Cowboys–grossly overused. And it IS a really nice font.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Keming — the result of bad kerning.

john e. . .
8 years ago

I’m almost completely convinced at this point that someone – or rather something is using lousy book covers to send encrypted messages into deep space – or at least to communicate with their cohorts here on planet earth.

How else can one explain the random, wholly-unrelated images. The odd fonts. The bizarre spelling choices and archaic nom de plumes?

I’d like to hear from you guys. Is this part of an:

A) Alien invasion plan?
B) Bigfoot Culture Coded messages?
C) Part of the CIA/NSA/Tri-Lateral commission’s war on free thinking individuals that know the moon-landing was staged?
D) A sinister plot of the Holy Roman Church aimed directly at Nathan and his cabal of commentators (that would be us)?
E) Something even more sinister?

And . . . Discuss!

8 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

You’ve heard of the Face of Bo? Meet the Face of Boo, his lifetime mate, and nemesis of The Doctor.

john e. . .
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Loved the Face of Bo – thought the shenanigans of connecting him to Captain Jack was more shameful pandering to the “cool crowd” of the Whovian army.

In other words, another cheap trick by Moffat.

8 years ago

It’s got to be bigfoot in cahoots with the CIA/NSA and the Holy Roman Church, colaborating in an even more sinister plot against Nathan and his cabal, at the direction of aliens who are planning to invade earth in order to turn it into a paradise for Cthulu and his Lovecraftian minions.

john e. . .
8 years ago
Reply to  Lydia

OMG – It’s so obvious now that you’ve pointed it out.

I’m going to have to re-think everything. Especially since I might actually be in favor of a “paradise for Cthulu and his Lovecraftian minions.”

I mean – we’ve had a good run, right?

8 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

I seriously wouldn’t mind if humanity was completely wiped out in some old-god apocalyptic bloodbath, (like Cabin in the Woods. Loved that movie.)

8 years ago

This cover has transmuted me to a consciousness of having a migraine.

8 years ago

Nothing says “esoteric” like a Windows default font.