Yum, traditional Finnish rye flatbread! Too bad someone’s wig is on top. Ah well, I’ll just pick off any loose fibers: it looks like a cheap nylon one, less icky than real hair.
8 years ago
Good grief, how does one not realise how practically invisible and impossible to read the title and byline are? I’m looking at it on a full-size screen and can barely make it out.
A story about a chair. HOW EXCITING.
The Seeker’s doom is to sit in that chair and stare through that arch at the…hair on the other side.
Not just any hair, @DED; TROLL Doll hair. I’m sure.
Yum, traditional Finnish rye flatbread! Too bad someone’s wig is on top. Ah well, I’ll just pick off any loose fibers: it looks like a cheap nylon one, less icky than real hair.
Good grief, how does one not realise how practically invisible and impossible to read the title and byline are? I’m looking at it on a full-size screen and can barely make it out.
You’re assuming whoever made this had eyes. Only someone visually impaired could think this looked OK.
How many covers have we seen with objects superimposed over part of the title?
Is that Donald Trump’s wig??