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8 years ago

Is that… squished earth??? That’s taking it up a level.

posres: I like the font. I don’t know the genre though, so it could be crap.

8 years ago

I assumed it was an egg-moon like we’ve seen here before, but Catie is right, it looks more like an earth type planet. I like the font too, but is too hard to see against the blue. It could work if it were more silvery than gray perhaps. Is the egg-thing the monster? If it’s horror, which is what the title sounds like, the font might not really fit after all. Someone better at judging fonts than me might have more to say about that.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lydia

It all depends on the genre. Let’s see… Mystery/crime. Yeah, I’d say it’s OK. It only needs to be more silvery, like you’ve said.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

And it’s not that bad for mystery, not as bad as it would have been for horror. It does have that mystery vibe. If only the planet wasn’t an egg and the photo a bit better. But I think the author is on the right track.

8 years ago

Wow, Amazon’s Algorithms are impressive. Nathan has a major part in this one.

Quoting from the look inside:

“Nathan took the pair of latex gloves he was holding out to him and . . .”
“Nathan gave a short nod”
“Nathan shifted his weight”
“Picking it up, . . . ”
“Nathan handed it to him to bag”
“Nathan stripped off the gloves”
“Nathan looked at the . . .”
“Nathan clenched his jaw”
“Nathan jerked the door shut”

And that’s just in chapter one.

Oh, the font . . . it started out as some kind of Romana.

8 years ago
Reply to  red

Shit. The Amazon is trolling him. Or, someone wrote a book especially for him and then lured him in by squishing a planet D:. I don’t think there’s a better bait for Nathan than a squished planet.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

” I don’t think there’s a better bait for Nathan than a squished planet.”

How about a squished Wolfie? 🙂

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

No, a photobombing wolfie at any aspect is sufficient.

8 years ago

I don’t get the moonlight shining between the oval planet and the pond. Did that rogue oval just collide with the moon, resulting in a white explosion? Or is that white glow a headlight on some gigantic oval-shaped spaceship?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

I think there’s nothing to get. The elements don’t fit in time and space as we know it. Pond, lake, or river, it’s really broad for a creek. They started with a nightscape with a full moon (lit by sun behind viewer and earth) over a body of water, then decided to overlay a squished transparency of a waxing moon or planet (lit by sun top, right of viewer) just because … lousy book covers.