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11 years ago

That is a disgrace to dogs all over the world especially basset hounds. They really don’t have the sad eyes right. My basset eyes never look like that. Any basset I have had has never looked like that or any hound dog.

john harvey
11 years ago

Unlike one reviewer I find it disturbing that someone would try to make a comparison between one dog being gassed (do they really gas animals?) and Auschwitz. Killing dogs with gas is sad. But it’s not exactly as abhorrent as trying to systematically kill an entire race/religion/group of people.

11 years ago
Reply to  john harvey

Very well said.

Will le Fey
11 years ago
Reply to  john harvey

When we euthanize wildlife, mostly because they’re too messed up to be sent back to the wild or even live the rest of their lives in captivity, it’s an injection followed by cremation.

Lucie Le Blanc
Lucie Le Blanc
11 years ago

Yeah, choice of title and image for this topic are what makes this tasteless IMHO. Because the image and general layout would be amazing for a comedy. But this subject? Yeah, not good…

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad… sniffle…

11 years ago

From a review: “many of us have no idea what happens in animal shelters all across this country on a daily basis”

Not this. Most of them are destroyed by pentobarbital injection. A few unfortunate ones are shot in the head by the RSPCA using a slaughterman’s gun. Sounds like propaganda with an agenda disguised as a book.

Drawing of dog stinks as well.