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11 years ago

You know, with more and more of these popping up, I have to wonder if it’s time for a “Reissues Gone Wild” tag.

11 years ago

Aw c’mon, Joan. You mean to tell me that after all these years as a teacher you don’t have any contacts in the arts?

Marcia Ford
Marcia Ford
11 years ago

Wait. What? The NYT and PW reviewed this? They don’t see the covers, of course, but the cover makes me wonder about the professionalism of the author. NYT and PW? Seriously?

11 years ago
Reply to  Marcia Ford

I assume the NYT and PW reviewed the original edition.

Marcia Ford
Marcia Ford
11 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

I assume they did too. But it’s not easy to get a review in either publication. They don’t review garbage…which makes me think the writing is professional. My point is, how can a professional writer of that caliber approve such an unprofessional cover?

The Rodent
11 years ago

OMG! Let’s take up a donation to hire a real artist for poor Joan!

Eleanor Kashmanian
Eleanor Kashmanian
11 years ago

Is it in BRAILLE?

Bob Eggleton
11 years ago

Oh my. Trouble is, if someone ASKED me I would have let them re-use it for a minimal fee. If kids drew this, fine, but in the context of a professional author’s cover…this is ghastly and embarrassing for the writer. But it is also the sad state of publishing wherein midlist books, which this was at one time,are just being sidelined or eliminated to the point they wind up re-published as self-published books or, really low-end presses.

Jon Baker
11 years ago

As the artists and authors tell us repeatedly at cons, and in class, usually the authors have NO control over who gets to illustrate their books or design the covers. My parallel-computer-architecture complained about the cover design on his textbook “Highly Parallel Computing”, which featured a long slat fence (many parallel boards, get it?)

Marcia Ford
Marcia Ford
11 years ago
Reply to  Jon Baker

Textbooks are a different animal. I’ve had 30 books published by traditional publishers, and I’ve always had a say in the cover. I usually didn’t know who the designer was, but I always saw the cover designs (2 or 3 to choose from) early on and had the right of veto.

Marcia Ford
Marcia Ford
11 years ago
Reply to  Marcia Ford

But then, I should add that I’ve had the best publishers ever. 🙂