It’s going to cost you more than a cookie to break the secret strategic intelligence and defense code. 😉
Michael Waller
11 years ago
That is a special NSA code for shadowy, non-existent, covert, stinky organizations that absolutely do not exists and we will bug you computer if you say otherwise.
11 years ago
The copyright is there to keep you from stealing this gem.
It’s an action-packed How To guide for SOPA?
C is for cookie. That’s good enough for me.
What a mess.
It’s going to cost you more than a cookie to break the secret strategic intelligence and defense code. 😉
That is a special NSA code for shadowy, non-existent, covert, stinky organizations that absolutely do not exists and we will bug you computer if you say otherwise.
The copyright is there to keep you from stealing this gem.
I could tell you, but then I would have to…
The copyright is on the his spelling of defense.
That’s how you spell “defence” correctly in English.
I suppose a strategic defence is made of bob war.
Can we invent a new word? Typebombing?
Typebombing copyright symbol!
Simple – the UK has copyrighted the word defence© to prevent the NSA from spying on any documents using the word defence©.
They are also planning to do the same to colour©, favourite©, and realise©.