Past Imperfect December 5, 2013NathanCovers9 Comments Past Imperfect Photobombing… wheat? layers upon layers pixelation random imagery Previous postHatching the Nest Egg Next postNo Comfort
GIANT photobombing wheat! Talk about gluten issues…
It’s Nuclear Wheat!
The book title makes it way too easy.
Paste imperfect indeed.
“Well, as long as there’s this patch of wheat here… ah, that’s better.”
“Geez, you really couldn’t wait? They probably have a restroom right over there in that city.”
It’s nuclear Urine wheat!
“Yo, baby, can you look the other way while I, uh, take care of some business here?”
Isn’t “past perfect” some sort of tense?
Let me tell you, I was tense too. Until I, uh, took care a business in this wheat, capisce?