The name “Amarna” tickled some sort of memory, so I had to check – yes, the city was built by Akhenaten and abandoned soon after his death, so there was only ever one Amarnan King.
I also would not care to be called the descendant of a dung-beetle, no matter how holy they are.
Scarab Descendant? By the image on the cover shouldn’t the title
be plural? Oh well, who cares anyway. It would still look stupid.
God, I did it again! Bizarre word placing. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t make book covers.
The name “Amarna” tickled some sort of memory, so I had to check – yes, the city was built by Akhenaten and abandoned soon after his death, so there was only ever one Amarnan King.
I also would not care to be called the descendant of a dung-beetle, no matter how holy they are.
Yeah, that would be like saying you’re a descendant of crap.
A more common appellation for a scarab is “dung beetle.”
Appropriate in this case…?
Just like on The Isis Stone, if the Papyrus font can’t even be used well on a book that’s about ancient Egypt, it’s pretty much hopeless.