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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Wow! Font Fail Award of the Year, 2013…

11 years ago

The title is unreadable, and the man has scales.

If this cover was done with any skill, we would know if that was intentional.

11 years ago

Is his face turning into a beehive or a lizard? Thoughts?

Scott mendelson
Scott mendelson
11 years ago

I am the author of Fietlebaum’s Escape. I also created the cover. This is a science fiction novel about a Yiddish speaking psychiatrist who, among other things, treats aliens with bizarre psychiatric illnesses. It is a fun read. The cover is meant to attract readers with an interest in jewish humor and, perhaps, recognize the scales on a Freud-like character. The book will be of no interest to those who don’t understand the cover anyway. Thus, there is nothing lost on them. Perhaps you should read it!
Best wishes,
Scott D Mendelson , MD, PhD

11 years ago

If the cover were done by a professional, maybe it’d look good. It is sort of an interesting concept.

But, really, authors shouldn’t be allowed to do their own covers. 98% of the time, authors have no talent as designers whatsoever.

Hire someone talented to do your covers, and don’t come with this “you don’t understand my work” bullcrap. Paying someone to make a good cover for you is worth it.

Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
11 years ago
Reply to  SevenSapiens

Again, any Jew who sees the cover is drawn to it, IMMEDIATELY sees that it is faux Hebrew, and just as quickly interprets the title correctly. I have been told this several times by people who have bought the book. Many people absolutely love the cover. It is a magnet for the people who would want to read the book, which obviously isn’t you anyway. I have wasted no effort on you. Writers “shouldn’t be allowed to do their own covers”? Now who’s spouting bullcrap.
By the way… what have you written or designed lately?

11 years ago

Oh, I am so glad you asked.

I have written A LOT of short stories, one novel, one novella, and am writing another novel that is already longer than the first one, even thought it’s only half-written.

I design stuff as a hobby, and even though I am not quite proud of my designing abilities, I can assure you I am a lot better at it than you are. Just click my nickname and see for yourself. Even if I didn’t design anything, however, one thing is true: one does not need to be a designer to identify crappy design.

Oh, and I am traditionally published writer. It was just two short stories, each in a separate book, but at least they have well-designed covers. What have YOU published that was NOT self-published, huh?

11 years ago

In case you wanna see them, these are the covers for the books that contain my published short stories:



They weren’t designed by me, of course, but by real designers. The language in which they’re published is Portuguese.