The Far Side of Silence November 20, 2013NathanCovers7 Comments The Far Side of Silence Eyes go boom. aspect ratio busybusybusy Previous postExpansion in both directions! Next postVampire! Legacy of Darkness, Part 1 & 2
“Boss, the title’s too long. Maybe we should use two lines?”
“Nah, just squish it. See? Looks great.”
“Hey, it does!”
Where DO politics stop and treason begin?
Shouldn’t one use correct grammar on one’s cover?
Picky, picky. It’s, uh, artistic license. Yeah, that’s it… artistic license.
Not bad. The blurb should’ve been put on the back though. The illustrator did a decent job merging the Bikini Atoll bomb test with the cityscape.
That cover doesn’t look very silent.
Reasonable effort spoilt by tacky fonts and font effects.
By the way, in thumbnail size I seriously thought it was Christ on a cross blasting down from heaven to take care of things once and for all.