Observations November 18, 2013NathanCovers7 Comments Observations “Your phone has a camera? So does mine!” BOO-ring instamatic Previous postiPooKee Next postDead Weight
Is there some obscure legalese on Amazon that says all books named “Observations” have to be poetry books with craptacular covers?
Have you not heard? Craptacular covers are the new “in” thing.
I can only assume that his poems are as boring as this book cover. I need a nap now.
Maybe his poems are like lullabys and are intended to lull you to sleep.
Whoa! _Digital_ poems. Not like, you know, regular poems… They’re, like, digital!
Look closely and you will see your ubiquitous wolf hiding behind a shrub.
Or it’s a clump of dirt.
A wolf wouldn’t be hiding there. It’s too tame.