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L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago

So…. a shadow of a shadow that has a glowy edge on a shadowed floor…?
I’m confused.

8 years ago

I’ve seen a lot worse. This one almost doesn’t rise to LBC, really. But, lo: is that Son of Papyrus I see there, lurking in the shadows????

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

The author byline disappears at thumbnail or typical ad size.

If the byline was readable at browser size, I might agree its better than most.

Lowercase Papyrus slips under the radar. It’s when the crappy Cap/lowercase kerning pairs manifest themselves that things go to Hades in an ore car.

David McMullen-Sullivan

I’d like to say that I was actually thrilled when I came across this posting. You see – I AM the author of this book (and yep, I did the cover). I certainly will take your suggestions to heart, though I may not be doing my own covers in the future. Basically, as a new author, my focus was on the task of writing the story. The book cover – though it came out of my head – was something of an after thought.

Anyway, all press being good press. I want to thank you for your critique. I loved it!!!