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10 years ago

I saw this on Amazon a week or two ago, and thought it might end up here. Not a bad image (ugly effects aside), but not a book cover either.

10 years ago

“Final” Extinction – Book ONE?

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

They were Japanese, so they get a pass.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

*Sigh* I love this site and you do a great job so I’m going to try not to nerd out but, I really can’t resist this.

There’s two reasons why the game series was named Final Fantasy, first was that the use of the word ‘final’ in that context means ‘ultimate’ not ‘last’. Secondly the original game was supposed to be one of the very final games made by Squaresoft, which through circumstances didn’t end up folding. They decided to keep the name because of the first reason.

Sorry, nerd backing off now.

10 years ago

Where is the image stolen from? Looks like some Bollywood film.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tuula

LOL, image wasn’t stolen, it was made from scratch. As far as the cover, the wrong jpeg was uploaded and the memory on the computer crashed. It’s been updated. Sorry it took so long. I run and own my own company so it took me a month to get it fixed. Bad luck, not that yall probably care. Anyway, cheers.

P.S. Check out the actual story. Sorry if you still hate the cover, I know haters are gonna hate, not everyone can afford someone to make a cover for them. Also “Final” referred to the extinction of mankind which does come to its fruition in the first book.

9 years ago
Reply to  CS

“I know haters are gonna hate, not everyone can afford someone to make a cover for them.”

I’ve actually ended up buying books I saw for the first time on this site, and I doubt that I’m the only one here who’s done here. We aren’t here just to be ‘haters’. We *are* here to talk about (and yes, make fun of) bad book covers. And that’s exactly what your original cover was. It simply wasn’t a book cover at all. I think your new one is much improved, although I still think you should have skipped the filters.

9 years ago
Reply to  CS

Having looked at the actual cover, I’d say it’s not bad at all. And kudos to you for making the image from scratch (or commissioning it). The fact that people suspected it was stolen goes to show that it’s quite professional-looking.

I’m afraid the writing in the preview is wincingly awful, but that’s a whole ‘nuther kettle of fish. Maybe you should stick to designing covers.

9 years ago


sorry about the last typo

9 years ago

I totally agree. Be on my end where I put the crap cover up and my put took a dump. Just another day for me. Lol anyway, I’m all for constructive criticism. I guess I need to see what Bollywood covers look like. I’m assuming it was an insult to injury, j/k, but I really don’t know what they do over there. Other than slum dog millionaire or whatever that movie was called. Glad I could contribute to the shaming board. Ha ha.

9 years ago

3rd time I have tried to reply. Just FYI. LOL Was made from scratch on illustrator. Im not sure I am 100% satisfied with it. I don’t mind constructive criticism. I was a printmaking major, so I am working on my Engrish skills. It sucks proof reading and editing is so expensive. I think hookers are cheaper and less painful. I wrote that book quite fast for the NANOWRIMO challenge in November. I know I am not Tom Clancy nor do I price my work as such. I am just working on fun, quick reading stories along the lines of something I would be interested in reading. If they suck they are not much more than a buck. LOL Well cool beans guys. I am about to have to step in front of a mirror and reprimand myself with harsh language if I do not get back to work.