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8 years ago

I actually saw one of those flying saucers down at the bottom. It looked just like that after I stepped on it. I hope Elvis wasn’t on it.

Take Cover
Take Cover
8 years ago

Well, at least you can’t accuse the guy of false flagging.

‘More inside’. I’ll bet there is!

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

There can’t be anything LEFT to put INSIDE, surely?

8 years ago

I am reminded of those horrible print ads for books that teach you such things as how to hypnotize people, or otherwise make them do whatever you want.

You know, those books that are nothing but fake case studies of how people like Alice K used the methods to become queen of Botsaslotsavania.

8 years ago

It’s a pretty bad sign of the book’s COVER makes you say: TL;DR. Leave some words for the inside, would you?

John Yeo Jr.
8 years ago

I enjoyed how “Johnny Cash” and “real photo” were placed with quotation marks. But checking out the summary at Smashwords, I still can’t figure out if this was supposed to be a work of fiction, or a non-fiction book. Either way, this needs a WTF flag added, no?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
8 years ago
Reply to  John Yeo Jr.

LOL,not to mention that he’s looking “up” (well, we all know how slippery the true definition of up can be…)

8 years ago

OK, wow: that is a lot of text.

8 years ago

Wow. There’s so much text it almost qualifies as a texture fill.

Ron Miller
8 years ago

You may as well close down the blog. You can’t possibly ever beat this.

Jack M
Jack M
8 years ago

Lousiest book cover ever.

8 years ago

‘Proof More Inside’..
Yeah, probably.