I quote the entire description:
The Second American revolution began three days after President Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, declared that he was cancelling the elections because he had not completed his agenda and he was staying on.
(h/t Curtis)
Why do persecution complexes always go hand-in-hand with shitty design sense?
Because it is a conspiracy.
Subtlety at its finest.
From the Author’s Note:
“The characters portrayed in this novel are fictitious and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is entirely coincidental.”
From the prologue:
“The Second American revolution began three days after President Barack Hussein Obama, 44th president of the United States of America…”
That takes balls.
Oh gods… and he named his hero “Tom Fitz.” I’m sure the resemblance to the author’s own name is also “entirely coincidental.”