Hit and Run


Hit and Run

I’m starting to suspect that indie authors are stretching out their cover images solely to tick me off.

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10 years ago

It IS an epidemic. One which – as an indie author – I do NOT understand! Where is the pride in your product? Is the ineptitude on the cover indicative of the ineptitude inside? I have to believe it is.

Elle Chambers
10 years ago

This author should check out GoOnWrite.com for low cost, but attractive book covers. James uses stock photography in interesting ways and most of his covers could be on traditionally published novels. You don’t have to break the bank for quality.

10 years ago
Reply to  Elle Chambers


10 years ago
Reply to  Elle Chambers

Not to be confused with GoonWrite.com? 🙂 I had a look. More seriously IMO, some of these covers are pretty good, others are not so good… the fonts especially are a bit hit and miss. 2687 2611 2560 2117 1618 1603 0140 wouldn’t look out of place over here!

Elle Chambers
10 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

I used the spelling he gave me in our email correspondence, but either iteration works. And yes, some of his covers are a miss, but a large number of them are very well done. He probably has the best ratio of good to bad covers I’ve seen on any site listing pre-made covers.

10 years ago

Maybe the aspect ratio will self-correct when the cover turns purple and swells up.

Ron Miller
10 years ago

This is the sort of cover that makes me grit my teeth the most: the ones that come so very close…