Sword of Tilk: Book One: Worlds Apart October 25, 2013NathanCovers5 Comments Sword of Tilk: Book One: Worlds Apart Yes, that says “Sword of Tilk.” You’re welcome. instamatic layout woes om-nom-nom de plume readability Previous postWicked Chances Next postForged in Fire
I: Love: Colons
and putting
in weird
Is “Pen” an om-nom-de-plume, or just a “pen name”?
Give me an “S”! Give me a “K”! What’s that spell?
Um… nothing.
Oh, pardon me. I couldn’t see the teeny words between the “S” and the “K”.
O RLY? I thought it said ‘Word of Til’ SK trilogy. By Pen, because a pen is mightier than the S-word.