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11 years ago

I think someone’s been watching too many Rambo movies. And would it be too hard to at least center your name at the top?

11 years ago

Away with the fairies AND the big green goblin hand.
In fact, AWAY with this book cover!

Take Cover
Take Cover
11 years ago

I *almost* really like this one. It reminds me of an old Gabriel Garcia Marquez cover — http://www.bookfever.com/book_photos/50728.jpg — mashed up with that scene in John Boorman’s The Emerald Forest where the kid meets the Invisible People.

But with the hand and the bird and the twig and the red leaves, there’s already so much going on here, that when all the remaining negative space is filled up with the title and the author’s name and a golden sparkly twirl(!), the whole thing just collapses into an incoherent visual assault.

It’s a shame though, because I really do like the underlying image. And the way it’s rendered.

tl;dr — Great image, disastrous cover.