The blurb says science fiction but the cover screams jr. high biology notebook.
8 years ago
Was this originally a porn cover? It looks like someone hastily added color on her chest. Either that, or someone threw acid on her and now her top is melting…
Bygod, there’s a lace-trimmed bra under there. At first I thought that some boob (yes, yes, it was intended) had tried to emphasize the “B” part of “B-Girl,” but, no…s/he was covering up the lace bra. Mon Dieu.
The blurb says science fiction but the cover screams jr. high biology notebook.
Was this originally a porn cover? It looks like someone hastily added color on her chest. Either that, or someone threw acid on her and now her top is melting…
Bygod, there’s a lace-trimmed bra under there. At first I thought that some boob (yes, yes, it was intended) had tried to emphasize the “B” part of “B-Girl,” but, no…s/he was covering up the lace bra. Mon Dieu.