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8 years ago

Needs MOAR blood.

And you forgot the “nagilium” tag . . .

8 years ago

Just one of these images might have worked. I like the little guy in shadow with lightning behind him, since he’s the only thing here that’s really creepy. Make him bigger, keep the lightning, get rid of the rest especially the stupid face. Add some blue highlights to the guy’s outline to indicate the light source. Change the author’s name to a san serif font so it’s not fighting the title. That should do.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

I frequently wonder if any effort is made on these covers to match blood splatter from actual use of weapons (as seen in forensic photo evidence) or if they just photoshop red blobs and streaks with no regard for effect of impact or gravity. At times I am reminded of the “more blood” scene in “Croc Park” which inspires giggles not frisson.